Street Parties
In 25 years, our Pride has grown into a large Pride celebration. The whole city turns into a rainbow of events, and during the second weekend the roof will literally and figuratively blow off in the city center, with street parties everywhere organized by our LGBT-bars. There are outdoor stages in the following locations:
Westermarkt, Homomonument, see video
Spuistraat, Bar Prik, see video
Dam Square , Mainstage, see video
Beursplein, Fetish, see video
Zeedijk, Gay oldtown, see video
Stoperaplein, Women
Rembrandtplein, Popular, see video
Reguliersdwarsstraat 1, Modern, see video
Reguliersdwarsstraat 2, Caribbean, see video
Utrechtsestraat, Drag, see video
Amstelveld, Mix match, see video
Elandsstraat Saarein (Women)