
Our Bid

For the first time in the history of Amsterdam and the Netherlands, the WorldPride will come to our country. The occasion is the silver jubilee of marriage equality. The Netherlands was the very first country in the world where same-sex couples could officially get wed. It was on April 1st, 2001, that the mayor of Amsterdam wed four same-sex couples in our town hall in the centre of Amsterdam. 


In 2019 our foundation decided that we were going to bid for WorldPride 2026. The years after we have been busy getting broad support for our plans and getting the community involved in the planning. The plans were presented at the Annual General Meeting of InterPride held in Guadalajara, Mexico, on October 29th, 2022.  After the AGM all 384 members of InterPride had to vote and choose between Orlando and Amsterdam, who were both candidates and received 37% and 59% of the vote respectively. 

The road to WorldPride Amsterdam 2026

Our bid announcement video

Our interactive digital bidbook

Support for our bid

Why choose Amsterdam for the WorldPride 2026